Friday, November 21, 2008

Society's Paradox

What a crazy world we live in! Today, I partook in a facebook thread with my play-cousin T.J. Forbes, where he said the quote, The DOWNLOW is OBVIOUSLY the APPARENTAlthough, it was funny as it related to the humorous topic we were on, it was also a very profound, paradox of a statement. It made me think, Has society become so jaded by television, movies, music and porn to the point where an excess in horror, violence, money, nudity and homosexuality doesn’t even faze us one bit? And I’m not saying that it should bother us but we like things presented to us in such a raw, “in your face” manner that we are not getting the subliminal message that is clearly apparent.

I’ll start with homosexuality in men. Back in the day, you had a set stereotype of what a gay male looked like from his clothing, hairstyle, tone of voice, and body language. As society matured throughout the years, homosexuality no longer owns an appearance….or does it? Can men on the “down low” express themselves via fashion and overall style and blame it all on the current fashion trends? I think so.

QUESTION: When is the current style of skinny jeans ever sexy on a straight man?


Ummmmm......NEVER! I don’t think any “REAL” straight man, even the fashion savvy ones, would buy skinny jeans, I just don’t. Most men would think they were unattractive and more importantly, not useful. Where would they put their wallet? How would they fit their big hands in their pockets? Why would they want to squeeze (literally) their muscular, hairy, manly legs in a pair of tight, uncomfortable pants? Would the tightness irritate and/or affect their package? Hence, if the “alleged” straight man is caught in a pair, they can say “it’s the style”, “I’m showing off my high-top sneakers”, when the truth is, APPARENTLY, those are just some gay ass pants!.....OBVIOUSLY! Let’s be real ladies, you and your man shouldn’t own the same articles of clothing unless it sports paraphernalia!

What about men with hair-do’s like women? Why? Men that wear bobs, Shirley Temple curls and Halle Berry/Fantasia/Keyshia Cole hair cuts are NOT straight….PERIOD. (i.e. Realty TV stars Chance, Real and their brother) Stop blaming those do’s on the fact that you have “good hair.” A straight man and Rihanna should not be rocking the same do…. APPARENTLY, it’s something wrong with that….OBVIOUSLY!
One more thing, just because an “alleged” straight guy, who is an OBVIOUS candidate for being on the DL, has a hot chick on his arm or has sex with hundreds of women does not solidify his straightness either. EVERYBODY is attracted to gorgeous women, especially, gay men! Why do you think they live for mega-diva stars like Janet Jackson, Madonna, Angelina Jolie and Beyonce? ( i.e. Prince was married to the most beautiful woman in the world and he wear make up, stilettos and ass-out jeans! WTF?)

Our jadedness seriously has us confused. APPARENTLY, they admire and idolize these women MORE than they are attracted to them……OBVIOUSLY! If your man sings along to “I need a Soldier” by Destiny’s Child like it’s nobody’s business..…..You might want to investigate further….OBVIOUSLY!

Moving Along….

Does anybody find it strange that your TV will become extinct if we all don’t conform and obtain a digital box? The government usually likes to hide things from us and I feel this is no different….or is it? We’ve had operating televisions with channels 2,4,7,20,50 and 62 for years and now it just ends all of a sudden? APPARENTLY, it’s a well thought out reason for this….OBVIOUSLY! I personally think our lives are going to be like THE TRUMAN SHOW or BIG BROTHER. Somebody’s watching us and if you don’t believe me, Try cooking and cutting up 50 pounds of cocaine in front of the TV after February 18, 2009 and watch how fast the feds come busting in on your ass to take you to jail just because you wanted to watch 106 & Park while working! LOL…..It sounds radical and maybe a little far-fetched but is it really? APPARENTLY, maybe not.

Next Thing…

Gas prices are AMAZING these days right? I haven’t seen prices like this since 2002 and then Bush was elected and we haven’t seen those days since…until now. Has change come already? Go Barack! YES WE CAN! Ha! Lol…..Enjoy this commodity while you can. APPARENTLY, George “Dubba-Yuh” Bush is STILL the president. OBVIOUSLY, this arrangement could have been worked out sooner but NO, it wasn’t. Furthermore, from November 4th to January 19th we are going to be elated to take advantage of filling our tank up with just a twenty dollar bill while seemingly, on January 20th when Barack is sworn in, gas is going to shoot back up to $4.00 and guess who America’s going to blame? You got it! Barack Obama! APPARENTLY, Republicans’ want the throne back and wants you to feel we were better off under their regime. Don’t be fooled people and be patient with Obama. APPARENTLY, as easy and smooth as it was to win this election, it’s going to be that much rockier to get through one term as a black dude. Believe it….It’s OBVIOUSLY reasonable.

I could go on for days. All I’m saying is not everything comes with “fine print” or you don’t always have to read in between the lines. When things seem apparent to the mind and/or eye, it is what it is. Sometimes reading deeper is unnecessary when the answer is OBVIOUSLY on the surface. Pay Attention!