Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Ok, I am CONVINCED the milk has gone bad and people have gone MAD! A few days ago at the salon, I came across a flyer with photos of curvy models in scantily clad clothing and bikinis. Nothing too out of the norm right? Clearly, this flyer represented a party or an event, right? Wrong!! The heading stated in bold letters: MODELS ON THE MOVE: Building Self-Respect 1 Young Lady at a Time! What the fuck! Ok, let me get this straight, a group of video/magazine models (not super/fashion models) got together and came up with the idea to start a program to mentor young girls about having self-respect and confidence???? Who is in charge of putting “oxy-moron” in the Kool-Aid these days? There is NO way these women think parents will sign their kids up to be a part of a program about self-respect, TAUGHT by women who objectify themselves for a living, right? How can you teach young girls how to represent themselves respectfully when you CURRENTLY advertise yourself for money so men can purchase and disrespect your image? Say it aint so! Use your program to give back to charities or communities NOT our innocent baby girls! They need to see that there are MORE options in life than displaying their cute face or perky breast or phat ass to the masses. Parents, would you want THIS woman advising your impressionable daughter about ANYTHING?

Didn’t think so.
This catastrophe of an idea and program prompted the question in my brain: How the hell will women evolve in the future? Have we given up our power when we conformed into the new “us”? Are we as women the reason today’s average man won’t settle down with just one woman?

The new independent woman is all about her money, her career and being in control of almost EVERY aspect of her life. That’s all great but has that drive to attain all of the above destroyed our sensibility, respectable boundaries and undeniable but unspoken power over these men and ourselves? It seems like we as women have opted for enhancing our beauty and body parts versus our knowledge and wisdom. Pretty over personality? Really? More women have become more inviting with their sex and sexuality, that it kills the fantasy for men. These bastards are greedy as hell and it’s OUR fault! Our sexual enigma and our pussy is our power and the more we offer visually and physically, with NO substance behind it, the more we LOSE that power. And I’m just throwing it out there, but I think we losing like a muhfucka! We’ve ALL made the mistake of giving it up too soon (either we wanted the strings or not), stayed with a dude that treated us wrong or doing things that didn’t really display the character you “thought” you had. However, we can’t re-gain control and win back our power over them by playing the game their way. I’m 27 and I only have 2 girlfriends that are married or have a good man and I KNOW the others are good women. But they fucked up by giving their dudes too much freedom and too much control over the direction and progress of the relationship. (I’m in that bunch by the way). Men HAVE to be groomed. If we give them too much rope they ARE gonna hang themselves. We have created this overall fun, exciting and sexual image of ourselves as woman today. Not saying we can’t be true to that but trying to maintain that image instead of setting boundaries of respect and elevating his overall relationship experience will leave you fucked every time. Your antics will become boring to him and he will replace you with a similar rendition of you, who will also get replaced eventually.

Moral of the story: If we keep going at the rate we are going a REAL WOMAN will only be able to be found in a MUSEUM! Respectable women have the power over themselves, their image and their relationships with men. Display the image you want the world to receive. If you enjoy being objectified, its all love. Just stay in your place and be used as the tool you are and nothing more. If you want more, treat your sex/body like a Faberge Egg. Don’t lose your luster by giving it out/advertising to the undeserving or unappreciative. It’s never too late to re-arrange your path. Only women who are TRULY GOOD WOMEN can change a player/pimp into a GOOD MAN. And if you’ve never had the pleasure of assisting in such a task, point a finger to the mirror. #MESSAGE! Lol…Aye, and if any of u know the chicks behind the Models on the Move organization, guide them here. Thaaannnnkkks!


Anonymous said...

This was dope and it does make you think about how we as women are collectively destroying our kind. I know plenty of rats that need to read this! Ill refer em! lol

Kelly K. said...

Moe!! I loved this! This is so true! We need help! lol